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What Makes The Talent School Special?

Traditional school

Generic curriculum, one to many approach

In-Person Instruction, sometimes combined with online resources

Exposes children to a local community

Follows lecture-based teaching methods and standardized assessments

Follows a strict schedule with limited flexibility and accommodation

the talent school

Specialized learning pathways tailored to individual interests and talents

Combines in-person instruction with online resources, providing a flexible and personalized learning experience

Exposes children to a local, national, and global community

Adapts teaching methods and pace to accommodate different learning styles and abilities

Integrates arts and creative expression into the core academic curriculum, fostering a holistic and well-rounded education

Allows for flexible scheduling options to accommodate extracurricular activities

Online school

General curriculum based on traditional academics with control over pace but not material

Delivers education entirely online through digital platforms

Exposes children to a local, national, and global community with little to no in-person interaction.

Follows lecture-based teaching methods and standardized assessments

Flexible scheduling, allowing students to learn at their own pace from anywhere with internet connectivity

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